Visit Visas: Business, Academic & PPE Visitors

UK Universities, think tanks and companies are at the centre of innovation, research and development. If you are visiting the UK to give a lecture or conference, business meetings or other business purposes, it is important that you check whether UK Visas and Immigration (“UKVI”) permission is needed to do so to ensure hassle free entry to the UK.

We can advise you and your employees on navigating the visit visa rules. We have expertise on advising business and academic visitors and those who visit to complete short term work projects under the Permitted Paid Engagement provisions. Our team of immigration law experts can advise with questions such as:

  • In what circumstances is it necessary and when might it be advisable to apply for a visit visa?
  • What factors will be considered in deciding whether to grant entry clearance at the border?
  • Is there merit in applying for a multiple entry visa?
  • In what circumstances may a visit exceed 6 months?
  • What work-related activities are allowed for a visitor?
  • What payments may a visitor receive for activities undertaken in the UK?
  • When is it necessary to apply for a visa under the points-based system?
  • Is a visitor permitted to study, volunteer or pursue research in the UK?

Get in touch with our Business & Skilled Migration Team for more information:


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  • Philip Turpin
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      • 01865 406053
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  • Eliana  Barrera
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  • Natalia Facco
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      • 01865 406002
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