Applications for Parents and Dependant Relatives

If you are contemplating bringing your parents or other dependent relatives to the UK, it is vital that you seek detailed legal advice first.

Since the change in rules in July 2012, these applications have become extremely difficult, involving a  very specific set of medical and financial requirements.  They are also some of the most expensive applications you can make, so it is important to be clear about your chances of success as early as possible.  Making an application which does not succeed is not just a waste of time but may affect your relative’s ability to come as a visitor or in another capacity in the future.

If you do decide to go ahead with a dependent relative application, it is important to ensure that you address all the requirements and provide all the relevant evidence. Realistically, many of these applications are not successful initially and have to go on to appeal.   We can assist you at both first instance and appeal level and will ensure you mount the strongest case you can.

For adult dependant relatives, we offer a one off initial consultation to discuss your options, but due to the complexity of these cases, we do not offer a ‘checking service’.  If you choose to instruct us to do the application, the initial consultation fee will be deducted from the overall fee for our services.